Category Archives: Eye Health and Diseases

Eye Exams 101

We often get questions about what an eye exam is like, so we’ve created an overview of a typical eye exam in our office. Regular comprehensive eye exams are key to early detection of eye-related diseases to keep you seeing your best every day. Adults should have a comprehensive eye exam every 1-2 years. Children…
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FAQs: About My Symptoms

An overview and explanation of common eye symptoms. Whether you or someone you know is suffering from a common eye-related condition, we know that you want the facts! Here are some of the most common questions and eye-related disorders we see in our office every day. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or…
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Macular Degeneration

Individuals over the age of 50 are at a higher risk for developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which causes gradual vision loss. If you are over the age of 50 and have noticed changes in your vision, call our office to schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your risk for AMD. What is…
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Flashes, Floaters, and Spots: What’s in my Vision?

Have you noticed tiny shadows cast upon objects you are looking at? Do you see small spots in your vision when looking at a clear or overcast sky? You may be seeing floaters and spots in your field of vision. What is the spot in my vision? It is completely normal to see spots or…
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